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  • GPT-4, Memory Functionality, New Datasets, and UI Update

GPT-4, Memory Functionality, New Datasets, and UI Update

GPT4 is coming out next week and here's what you can do to get ready for this

GPT-4 to be released next week and latest updates to Trudo

There’s a lot of talk about GPT-4 is coming out next week. It’s still uncertain how it’s going to compare to GPT-3, but we’ll keep you updated.

Accuracy & token limits: GPT-4 will have a token limit of between 8 and 32k tokens, with increased accuracy. It's difficult to say whether GPT-4 fine-tuning will be available right away, but the process of fine-tuning models on text data will be similar to that of GPT-3.

Latest Updates to Trudo.ai:

We have been working hard to build the best no-code platform for building AI applications on top of OpenAI. Here’s a quick list of updates:

  1. Improved UI: The overall user experience has improved by 5x compared to the initial version - go look for yourself!

  2. Memory (beta): You can now upload any files (pdf, txt & csv files supported) and pull the most relevant information from it based on relevancy or use ChatGPT to answer questions based on the saved information. This is currently free to use - any feedback/suggestions are welcome.

  3. Additional datasets: We have added 8 new datasets to help you get started with Fine-tuning and we’re in the process of releasing more tutorials.

Here’s a recent tutorial on fine-tuning advanced gpt3 models (3 different use cases):

Get started today with a 50% off coupon for the first 3 months: 50FOR3M (expired in 7 days).

Have a fantastic weekend!

Trudo AI team